COPYRIGHT MISSION Co., Ltd. All Rights Reserved.
MISSION has grown based on its unique branding, experience, and know-how gained in the heart of the street fashion movement known as "Urahara" that began to heat up in the 1990s. We are now involved in the planning, design, and production of various brands that have had a major impact on the fashion scene in Japan and abroad.
HEAD OFFICE | 150-0001 東京都渋谷区神宮前3-32-5 TK・HOUSE 1階 |
DESIGN STUDIO | 154-0011 東京都世田谷区上馬1-33-3-108 |
代表者 | 樋口 哲平 |
出資金 | 100万 |
設立 | 2017.9.11 |
取引銀行 | きらぼし銀行 原宿支店 |
業務内容 |
クリエーティブエージェンシー デザインコンサルティング |
主な取引先 |
GOAT FLIGHT CLUB The Wasted Collective NBC ユニバーサルエンターテイメント ジャパン合同会社 CLOT VLONE |